Digital Dish: Sizzling AI Scoop from the World of Tech

1. NYC’s AI chatbot acts like a shady lawyer, city lets it slide

Looks like NYC’s AI chatbot has been giving businesses some not-so-legal tips! 😮 The city decided to keep it around anyway, but let’s hope it learns to play by the rules soon. 🤖🗽 Source: AP News

2. Congressman Don Beyer pulls an “Old School” move for AI knowledge

In a real-life “Old School” moment, Congressman Don Beyer headed back to college to study AI! 🎓 It’s great to see politicians hitting the books to keep up with the latest tech. 🤓📚 Source: AP News

3. States play referee to keep AI in check

With AI making all kinds of important decisions, states are stepping in to lay down some ground rules! 🏟️ Let’s hope they can keep our smart friends on the straight and narrow. 🤖📏 Source: AP News

4. AI models strut their stuff on the catwalk, but is it all glitz and glam?

Fashion’s newest models are AIs of all shapes and sizes, bringing some much-needed diversity! 👗👠 But while they’re busy slaying the runway, some are worried they might steal jobs from real humans. 😟👩‍🎨 Source: AP News

5. Nvidia vs. Intel: Battle of the AI chip stocks!

Investors are choosing sides between Nvidia and Intel as AI heats up! 💰🤖 Who will come out on top? Only time (and maybe some stock market magic) will tell! 📈 Source: MSN

6. Apple’s iOS 18 AI features keep your secrets under lock and key

Apple’s new AI tricks for iOS 18 will work on your device, not in the cloud. 📱🔐 That means no one can snoop on your data while your phone does its AI wizardry! 🤫 Source: MacRumors

The Latest and Greatest Tech Updates in 10 Stories

1. Premier League uses AI to catch offside players!

Looks like the Premier League is bringing in a robotic ref! They’ll use AI next season to make offside calls faster and more accurately. Let’s hope it doesn’t start giving players red cards for bad haircuts! 🤖⚽ Source: BBC

2. Congressman Don Beyer is hitting the books again!

Who says you can’t teach an old politician new tricks? US Congressman Don Beyer is heading back to college to learn all about AI. Maybe he’ll be able to build a robot that can fix potholes! 🤖🎓 Source: Washington Post

3. Amazon adds AI superstar Andrew Ng to their team!

Amazon just made a new friend – they added Andrew Ng, an AI expert, to their board of directors. We might be seeing some awesome new gadgets coming our way! Alexa, can you make me a sandwich? 🤖🍞 Source: CNN

4. California cuts down on cement emissions with new tech!

Cement production has been giving off some serious bad vibes for the environment, but California has a new solution to clean things up. Let’s just hope it doesn’t involve giant cement-eating robots! 🤖🌿 Source: TechCrunch

5. NYC’s AI chatbot needs to mind its manners!

Looks like New York City’s AI chatbot needs a lesson in etiquette! It’s been giving some questionable advice to businesses. Maybe it should stick to recommending pizza spots instead. 🤖🍕 Source: New York Times

6. Amazon invests big bucks in AI startup Anthropic!

Amazon just dropped a cool $2.75 billion on AI startup Anthropic. Sounds like they’re cooking up something futuristic – maybe flying delivery drones? 🤖📦 Source: CNN

7. Cohere CEO says AI should be nice to humans!

Cohere’s CEO says their AI technology is all about helping people, not taking over the world. Phew! Glad we can all be friends. 🤖❤️ Source: CNN

8. GeekWire keeps us in the know with tech news!

GeekWire has all the latest buzz on tech and business. It’s like a gossip column for gadgets and startups! 🤖📰 [Source: GeekWire]

Awesome AI, Subway Scanners, and Palm-Payment Fun! Top Tech News Of The Week

1) NYC Gets Subway Gun Scanners for Safety! 🔫🚫🚊

New York City wants to keep everyone safe, so they’re putting special gun scanners in the subway. These scanners will help find hidden weapons without needing to search people!


2) Oh No! NYC Chatbot Gives Bad Advice 😳🤖

A chatbot was supposed to help New Yorkers but ended up telling them to break the law! Oops! Don’t worry; the city is fixing it so the chatbot gives better advice.


3) Zapping Brains Helps Memory Loss! ⚡🧠💭

Scientists found a new way to help people with memory problems. They use a special zap on the brain, and it might make remembering things easier!


4) Texas Goes Autonomous: Self-Driving Trucks! 🛻🤖

Waymo is testing self-driving trucks in Texas! They’re making deliveries without human drivers. It’s like magic, but it’s really just smart computers!


5) AI Creates Shape-Shifting, Color-Changing Materials! 🌈🔲💡

Scientists made a smart AI create cool materials that can change color and shape! Imagine clothes that change colors with your mood or buildings that shift shape in the sun!


6) Bye-Bye Blood Pressure Cuffs: Smartwatch to the Rescue! ⌚🩸💪

A new smartwatch can check your blood pressure without the annoying cuff! It’s like having a tiny doctor on your wrist, keeping an eye on your heart health.


7) Super Tiny Camera Goes Inside Your Body! 📷🔍🏥

Scientists made a super tiny camera that can fit on a thin hair! Doctors can use it to see inside our bodies and help us stay healthy. It’s like a mini explorer!


8) Pay with Your Palm at Stores: Amazon’s New Trick! 🤚🛍️💰

Amazon wants you to pay for things using your palm print! No more looking for your wallet or phone. Just hold your hand, and boom! You’ve paid for your stuff!


9) Old Batteries Get New Life: Recycling FTW! 🔋♻️

Redwood Materials is doing something super cool! They’re taking old batteries and turning them into new ones. This means less trash and more power for our gadgets!


10) AI Spies on Trees from Space! 🌲🛰️

Scientists are using artificial intelligence to look at pictures of Earth from space! They’re keeping an eye on forests and other green places to see if they’re healthy or need some help. It’s like a high-tech game of I Spy!


That’s all the news for now! I hope you found these stories interesting and easy to understand. You can also find more of the latest tech news using Google tech news.